Add endnote software to word
Add endnote software to word

add endnote software to word add endnote software to word

  • Share your citations and notes within groups.
  • Customize and create unique citation styles.
  • Format bibliographies to many different formats.
  • Insert your citations into a Microsoft Word or OpenOffice document.
  • Easily export and integrate metadata from the Web of Science database (as well as many other databases).
  • Create an online library with a maximum of 50,000 references and up to 2GB of attachments.
  • EndNote is a bit more complex than Mendeley or Zotero and a lot of the true power of EndNote comes from its integration with Web of Science s well as its ability to utilize and create unique citation styles. EndNote Online, also known as EndNote Basic, is citation management software produced by Clarivate (who also provides resources for the Web of Science database).

    Add endnote software to word